Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Review of Getting Oriented

I have been sending query letters to potential book reviewers, offering them review copies of my novel. The majority do not answer either because the book does not appeal to them (although I do my best to send queries only to those reviewers who seem likely to be interested) or because they are inundated by books. A few say they are inundated, but would take a guest post from me. And a few have said, "Send me the book."

The first review of someone to whom I sent a book and of which I am aware has been posted on "Literary R&R." I do not know Charlene, the reviewer, but she is clearly a woman of exquisite taste. She writes: "A very enjoyable book, written with great skill and knowledge of its subject. If you have any interest in the subject of Japan, this is a great place to start." I commend the full review to your attention.

I was particularly encouraged by a comment Charlene's review provoked: "Even though it's a novel, this book sounds exactly like the kind of travelogue I enjoy reading. I love to travel but I have limited means (who doesn't, right?), so armchair traveling is the next best thing." This person is absolutely correct.

You can find the guest posts at Bookingly Yours and WebbWeaver. You can also read a Q&A interview with me at A Writing Primate. Enjoy!

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