Friday, January 31, 2014

My Made it Moment

Another writer, Jenny Milchman, maintains an interesting site on her blog, Suspense Your Disbelief,  called "Made it Moments." She invites writers to answer the question "How did I know I'd made it?" in 300 to 500 words. It's an interesting challenge, and it made me think about my writing and my career as a writer in a way I don't usually consider.

First, I'm not sure how I would measure whether I'd actually made it. A front-page review in the Sunday New York Times Book Review? A National Book Award? A Pulitzer Prize? Do you ever finally "make it"? Speaking for myself, I hope not. I hope I continue to grow and change as a writer and an artist.

Nevertheless, Jenny's offer was too good to pass up. We all have moments that stand out from the buzz and press of events, and I managed to write about a recent one in my life. Click on the link above and and you can read it and the comments it's provoked. 

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